Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 14a--Terms

1. Font: a set of type of one particular face and size
Serif Font
Sans Serif Font
2. Margin: the white space that surrounds the content of a page
3. Guide: ruler

4. Bleed: the area to be trimmed off
5. CMYK: a color model in which all colors are described as a mixture of these four process colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black)
6. Image Resolution: the quality of the image
Image Resolution
7. Proof Copy: a copy of (a book, story, etc) made from trial impressions made from composed type, or print-outs (from a laser printer, etc) for the correction of errors
Proof Copy
8. Art board: is the printable area of your Illustrator file
Art Board
9. Registration Mark: Marks made to a surface to help with alignment
Registration Mark

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